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Autumn skin care: what to pay attention to
What skin care is relevant for this season?  Autumn and winter colds, sudden changes in temperature when you go indoors or outdoors, and wind are a...

Moisturizing your skin every day...
Do you moisturize your face? Every day? The answer is probably yes. But people tend to forget about body skin - you can't really see it under your ...

Cos'è la forfora e come affrontarla
Forfora.Scopritene di più per sbarazzarvi della forfora e prevenirla prima!Che cos'è la forfora? La forfora è una formazione eccessiva di squame su...

Eye creams
Learn how to take care of the delicate eyelid skin the way it deserves: carefully, with the most delicate and effective cleansers, moisturizers, an...

Masks for hair with castor oil: what is the benefits
Who among us does not want to have strong, thick and strong strands? One of the popular ways to achieve really beautiful and healthy hair are masks...

Prodotti Per Capelli Secchi e Danneggiati
Quando i capelli sono secchi e danneggiati, hanno un aspetto spento, ostinato al tatto e con numerose doppie punte. Il problema è delle donne che d...

The best deodorants for your body
Protection and comfort are important at any time of year. Let's figure out how to pick up deodorant to stay 100% satisfied. What to pay attention t...

Scegli il tuo deodorante: trova la soluzione perfetta per te!
L'uso di deodoranti è diventata la parte integrante della nostra routine di toelettatura: tutti noi vogliamo un buon odore. Le esigenze dello stile...

How useful collagen is for hair
New beauty treatments appear regularly, but one thing remains the same - collagen for hair is still considered an important component of quality ca...

Capelli fragili: cosa fare?
La rottura dei capelli non è un problema congenito ma acquisito, ve lo dirà qualsiasi parrucchiere. Aria secca, alimentazione scorretta o styling a...

Tempting Foot: Skin Care for Foot
How often do you apply a face mask or moisturizer to your hands? If not daily, then regularly, don't you? Foot care is just as much a part of the b...

Causes of thinning hair in women
Hereditary trait, a consequence of stress or a reaction to hormonal restructuring after childbirth - the reasons why the hair suddenly change its s...