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How hair serums work?
Everyone seems to use masks and balms for their hair. But most of us unfairly neglect serums. Meanwhile, these miracle products can do a lot! They ...

What do you get from applying the Gold series from Kava Kava?
Dry and brittle hair - a common problem. Nutrition, improper care, the negative effects of the environment and stress make them deprived of life an...

Muds and health - how it works
About a hundred years ago there wasn't much choice in pharmacies (well, at least they sold coke drinks) for people with skin conditions, neural dam...

5 reasons why your hair doesn't look perfect
What affects the quality of curls and how to correct the situation? Sunglasses on the hair In addition to the fact that stylists question the aesth...

Olio di ricino per capelli: un uso efficace!
Per far sì che i capelli non perdano la loro forza naturale e la loro sana lucentezza, sono necessarie procedure di profilassi con prodotti special...

Why it is important to buy decorative cosmetics with SPF and how to choose it correctly
Protecting our skin from the sun in every way is our priority in the summer. This can be done not only with traditional sunscreens, but also with d...

Come utilizzare correttamente l'olio di cocco per i capelli?
Capelli belli, lisci, sani e lucenti: è il sogno della maggior parte della bella metà dell'umanità.In questo articolo vi raccontiamo le proprietà d...

Before you go heavy on anti-age...
After we find a few fine lines around our eyes we inevitably start searching for anti-age skin products. But what if we told that you could make sk...

Skin types: how to determine and care yours
Skin is one of the main indicators of health, and it shows just how much a woman takes care of herself. For that reason alone, no amount of makeup ...

Cos'è il siero e come si usa?
Siero... Per molte ragazze è una parola criptica e incomprensibile. Qualche anno fa il siero, o siero o fiala che dir si voglia, veniva utilizzato ...

Castor oil for hair: effective use!
To ensure that hair does not lose its natural strength and healthy shine, prophylactic procedures using special, time-tested products are necessary...

Squalane - mantenete la vostra pelle sana!
Cos'è l'olio per il viso allo squalano? Lo squalene è un lipide prodotto naturalmente dalle cellule della pelle, ma le sue concentrazioni possono d...